Comprehensive Pediatric Pulp Therapy
Pulp therapy can be one of the most challenging aspects of pediatric dental care. Thoughtful providers must be proficient in modern pulp medicaments as well as the range of treatment options possible. This course will discuss indications for liners, indirect pulp caps, direct pulp caps, Cvek pulpotomies (post trauma), pulpotomies, and pulpectomies. The attendee will become proficient in keys to diagnosis and treatment planning reversible and irreversible pulpitis as well as tips for safely and profoundly anesthetizing children with acute and chronic inflammation. Finally, best practices will be explored to ensure pulp treatment techniques set providers and children up for success.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the trilogy of symptoms, clinical findings, and radiographic findings in proper diagnosis and treatment planning.
- Understand best choices for local anesthetic and safe and effective delivery techniques.
- Understand precision technique in all modalities of pediatric comprehensive pulp therapy treatments.