Online Event | UAE Timezone (GST) 10-13 Nov 2022

17th CAD/CAM & Digital Dentistry Conference

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Going digital with the intraoral scanner

Date: 11 November 2022 | Time: 11:00 - 11:45 (GST) | Location: Online Event


iTero scanner represents one of the most advanced digital dental imaging systems, being an intraoral scanner that permits to obtain rapid and precise impressions for all types of restorative treatment and images with NIRI technology for early caries diagnosis, and it is perfectly integrated with clear aligner technique provided by Invisalign orthodontic system.

Guest speaker, Dr Gianluca Plotino will discuss the range of day-to-day restorative treatments the intraoral scanner can be utilized for. Participants will receive essential advice on how to obtain rapid and precise impressions, along with other digital best practice guidance for both non-owners and owners of this advanced digital dental imaging system to consider. This event also focuses on how an advanced practice tool such as the intraoral scanner can directly support the concept of preventative dentistry. During this session, Dr Plotino will demonstrate step-by-step how NIRI technology obtains rapid and precise images for early caries diagnosis and the advantage to the patient through more preventative treatment options. This session will also provide insight to General Practitioners on the importance of minimally invasive dentistry and how clear aligner therapy can support and facilitate a more comprehensive approach to restorative treatment plans giving examples of how Invisalign and the intraoral scanner integrate and the opportunity it gives for practitioners, their practice and patients.

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