Nikos Bellas, Greece
Show CV

Nikos graduated from the Dental Technology Institute of Athens on 1990.He worked for seven years as a ceramist in two dental laboratories and he became a specialist on high-end aesthetical restorations.

Since 1997 he runs his own lab called Dental Art Lab in Athens.

He cooperates With the Dental School of Athens and especially with the Prosthodontic department.

He has attended a lot of classes with famous dentists and dental Technicians.

On 13th June of 2006, he became Certified Technical Consultant of GC Initial ceramic line on Leuven.

Since then he gives lectures and hands-on courses for Initial and Giardia as well, to dental Technicians and Dentists.

His field of specialty:

Polychromatic Layering on ceramics and micro ceramic composites

Pink aesthetics

Veneers and implant cases

Zirconium aesthetic rehabilitation

With more than 200 lectures and hands-on courses all these years he has a big experience on transferring knowledge