Dr. Rafael Beolchi majored in Dentistry from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, in the year 2000. He has maintained a private practice since 2001, working mainly in aesthetic dentistry and oral rehabilitation. In 2009 he received his Master's degree in Biomaterials from the Institute of Energetic and Nuclear Research, from the same university.
He teaches around the world, focusing on advanced handling of dental materials with an easy step-by-step approach that simplifies the procedure, and has presented several lectures and workshops addressing those topics in North, Central & South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia, in more than 50 countries.
Dr. Beolchi is currently based in Portugal, where he is pursuing his second master's degree, in Dental Medicine and acts as a consultant for esthetic products and materials for the Dental industry, where he applies his clinical and scientific knowledge helping in the development of new and better dental products.
He is the author of several articles in Portuguese, Spanish, and English, about the topics of direct placed esthetic restorations and light-curing, topics on which he still maintains his activity as a researcher today. He is also the author of book chapters on the same fields and collaborates on studies with several other Institutions around the world.