Date: 11 November 2022 | Time: 16:00-17:00 (GST) | Location: Online Event
Indirect restorative procedures are highly complex. They consist of many different clinical and laboratory steps, and each separate step implicates several clinical challenges. It is possible to carry out these steps and approach the related challenges in many ways. A huge number of materials are available for every clinical situation, and various techniques may be adopted to reach the defined treatment goal. The fabrication of CAD/CAM chairside restorations can be a challenge. While having options is generally positive, it also creates confusion and uncertainty. Given that new materials are being introduced to the dental market very frequently, it is difficult for dental practitioners to keep up with the latest developments.
Lecture Objectives
At the end of this presentation, participants should be able to understand the basic guidelines recommended for the fabrication of CAD/CAM restorations, from restorative selection to final cementation procedures, with the correct balance between perfection and simplification.