Online Event | UAE Timezone (GST) 10-13 Nov 2022

17th CAD/CAM & Digital Dentistry Conference

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Are fiber reinforced disk and blocks suitable for all clinical indications?

Date: 10 November 2022 | Time: 15:00 - 15:45 (GST) | Location: Online Event


The combination of advanced fiber reinforced Techno- polymers and Computer-aided design (Cad-Cam)

allows a high level of personalization of design for a large variety of clinical indications.

In a conventional milling disk or block, the fiber content, orientation and distribution greatly affect the strength and the machinability of the material. 

Fiber-reinforced composites will produce the highest tensile strength value when the direction of fiber is parallel to the loading.

Therefore, a standard fiber reinforced bidirectional multilayered block or disk may not be suitable in the same time for the milling of a wrap- around bar, an inlay core or a Maryland bridge, because these devices are not subjected to the same intensity and location of stresses. A finite element analysis has been performed to determine each unique strain field for each indication.

The fiber organization of Fiber Force™ milling disks and blocks are architected according to these results.

The direction of the wrap and weft of the fiber fabrics is an indispensable indication for determining the device position on the disk before milling. 

A Maryland bridge, an inlay core, a wrap-around bar, an anatomical implant supported bar will be presented.

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