11th CAD/CAM & Digital Dentistry International Conference

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Composite in CAD CAM technology - a new Challenge

Lecture: Composite in CAD CAM technology - a new Challenge

Since the late 90s, based on scientific data’s, it is known that Composite can be used for CAD-CAM technology. In certain cases, It shows several advantages compared to ceramic.

In the last 20 years, it was difficult to establish composite based materials in reason of low acceptance. Today high compressed Composite material is available, whereby the physical and chemical properties can compete with those of ceramic. Additionally, the optical properties may have advantages. Scientific data’s and clinical aspects will show all these advantages with a new designed CRIOS Composite - block material. Topics: Material properties: e-modulus, wear, fracture resistance, marginal adaptation, opacity & translucency, radio-opacity. color, polishability. Clinical: Milling process, Wear resistance, Interface, crowns on implants, bevel preparation, bruxism, minimal vertical clearance, nonvital teeth, repair, characterization, color management.

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